07 January 2013

Me, Myself and I

I just love the idea of being single. Sudah 22 tahun hidup, aku belum pernah berpasangan. Tapi pernah la suka dekat orang suatu ketika dahulu but that doesn't count. Dua orang. Budak kecik so memang tak fikir apa-apa la. Sekarang pun aku masih lagi menyanjungi perkataan single. Aku belum terfikir nak ada pasangan walaupun orang sekeliling aku sudah ada the other half side dan dah ada yang dah kahwin. Tapi my very closest friend accidentally or indirectly showed me the idea of being loved. I am not into it for now but i will. Its all thanks to that person.

A hard reminder to myself. Love. Is a 4 letter word that gives power to someone to walk in the water. But kid, don't be fool, if the word fall into the wrong hand, one will be the victim and mercilessly drowned. It depends on how people phrasing the word. The I Love You can make you the king of the world but the manipulation of that exact phrase can be I Love You To Suffer or something else, can make you feel want to leave this world. And there are lots of other bad word that can replace Suffer.

But im not afraid of that. There is an inexplicable question reasoning why i stay single. When i am being with myself, i could careless. Aku boleh buat apa yang aku nak. Sekarang ni banyak sangat goal yang aku kejar and all of my goals will be disturbed or put on hold kalau ada pasangan. By that i mean i have to satisfied 2 different minds so both will not hurt dalam menggapai sesuatu cita-cita because feeling is the most fragile thought in mind. One wrong step is enough to hurt either one of them, or worse, both of them.

Love can wait. Still embracing the idea of being single.


yaya said...

iye ke??bukan skandal kau yg minah junior tu ker??ngeh3 *shilaa gossip time*

themissingikmal said...

haha. nama pun gosip. wajib diabaikan.