21 December 2012

Even The Mastermind Get Caught

Lately i drag myself to the edge of destruction by arranging repetitively inexplicit sentences. Too much good things is not a good thing after all. This thought came to me after i read back my entries. Why would i do that? What am i going to achieve? It is just a self-destructive move but i love the idea of suffer, struggle, injustice, victim, discrimination, and all kind of negative feelings.

Maybe i should consider of doing this by going private? Or should i continue making this puzzle here with deeper words since all my words can be easily cracked. After 3 years of blogging, it doesnt turn my life upside down. But am afraid its going to be that way.

Why would i care of someones opinion who barely knew me? Cuz they wont do any good to me. I'll keep writing i guess. I wish i can be like Kelly Clarkson whom wrote songs with multiple meaning and trap her listeners in her mazy-mind.

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