Waktu malam, adalah waktu yang puas diamukkan oleh orang-orang terdahulu dengan mengatakan bahawa kawanan hantu sangat aktif berlegar-legar di bumi 3 dimensi ini. Dan kita akan takut jika terserempak dengan entiti yang tidak normal menurut mata kepala manusia. Akan tetapi bagaimana pula kita dimata bayang-bayang itu? Adakah mereka juga takut untuk bersua muka dengan kita?
Me, consists of two entities that lives in two different dimensions. The you-see-me entity is what i want you to see and the other one is in another shape, but you can call it a ghost. And i want you to call it a ghost.
Mereka berkata sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua or something like that. When you know me for a quite some time, you might be able to catch the sketchy outline of my statue. There is where the ghost lives. And there is a time when the ghost overshadowing his master and the balance between good and bad is disturbed.
It was the longest 2 seconds in my life. Every sub second is filled with at least a million thoughts. Feeling each and every single one of these feeling leaving question in my mind one at a time. I rather let a lorry through to me but there was no lorry to be found but furiously gazing eyes. The ghost is tragically abused.
The biggest question popped in mind is what will happen in the 3rd second, a second after the unprepared madness. Heart stopped and im dead. But shockingly, there was a complete silence in the air. Again, another thoughts are created. Understand? Pity? Fake? Joke? Protect? Embrace? Or just do not care at all? So i breath in life particle in the quietest atmosphere surround me. Im alive. I guess the balance between good and bad is restored.
Still, its too early to jump into a conclusion right now. Im maybe in heaven. But this heaven might be a hell that is an illusion creatively crafted by them. I just hope we can compromise each other until forever.
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