[themissingikmal season 1 episode 41]
Rumah didefinisikan tpt membosankan. Tuh yg perlu difahami oleh sume laki2 bergelar lelaki. Kalo pompuan maybe rumah tuh tpt yg sgt best. Aku terpakse dok umah sbb moolah dh kehabisan, ngah menunggu PTPTN je, baru rase idop balik. Lgpon mak aku tiap2 ari ngadu kat aku dia sakit. Every single day. Xkan la mak aku dah sakit, aku nak merayau2 pulak. Kompom2 la neraka jahanam rumah aku nanti lepas mati. Sometimes i will urut my mom kalo aku baring sblh my mom dgr dia cerita. I cant heal the illness but i can be her tempat mengadu. I hope it will make her happy and forget about the sickness.
On 20th June, tulang blakang aku sakit. Sama mcm kat matrix dulu. Every movement i made, i only feel the pain. I cant sit properly. kalo main dota pon, tetiba aku terkejut sampai aku terbangun nak betul2kan badan. Seriously bad. Mase tuh lak, blok aku xde air. Dem gler. Aku kene temankan mak aku g Hospital UKM kat Cheras sbb mak aku kene check kencing manis. Mase tuh cuak sgt sbb kalo air xdtg2 time 21st June, aku mungkin kuar rumah xmandi berhari2. Fuck! Nasib baik masa pagi2 air tuh dtg. So aku bawak la mak g HUKM. Pimpin mak naik turun tangga sbb dia ada Arthritis. So hard to move around.
Mase kat hospital, nampak mcm2 perangai manusia. Budak skolah tipu surat MC. Dia tukar tarikh cuti dia spi seminggu cuti. Serious lawak. Ade doktor2 yg ngah amek praktikal kat sana tanya mak aku "penah masuk hospital x?". What an idiot question! Xsangka soalan tuh akan ditanya oleh mahasiswa. Sah2 la slalu masuk hospital sbb mak aku dh lahirkan 7 anak. Xkn sume lahir dalam kotak lak. Kalo trainee tuh tanya dalam badan manusia ada berapa galen darah, baru menampakkan dia tuh mahasiswa. Xgitu?
On the night of 21st June. My mother ask me to buy a house bile dah keje nanti so she wouldnt climb up the stairs anymore. I just heard what my mom berleter, merungut and mengadu bout my family. About Nizam always xde kat rumah walopon time cuti. I know mak nak tgk pokok bunga and g jenjalan. Mak dh lame baring kat bilik mak tiap2 hari. Sometimes i worried about her because she didnt get fresh air even though mak ada tanam pokok bersepah2 depan rumah sampai kat rumah org lain. Before I tido, I cried silently because my mother been fighting with her disease for more than 8 years. I cry because i cant do anything for you at that moment. I wish i could heal you but i cant. Its been 8 years. Its not a short period of time. Im not sure if i can keep fighting with the disease for 8 years. Just hold on mother for about 2 years. I'll buy u the most expensive ogawa chair and i'll buy u a bigger house so i can place your faveret flower in your own room. I'll make your life easier. Thats my promises. I love you mom. Be strong.
The next day, 22nd of June. G teman both of my parents g HUKM check mata pulak. Appointment kol 9. Kene kuar awal sbb nk carik cab. Both f my bros xdpt anta sbb dorg keje. So, cab je la jadik pilihan. Kuar rumah kol 7 tp lepas sampai kat bawah ke, suddenly the rain is falling down. Heavy rain. baru lepas mandi kat rumah, dh mandi kat luar pulak. Takut cab terlepas, tunggu bawah pokok ngan mak bapak aku. Pastu decide nak balik rumah amek payung. Dh lari2 pastu abang aku yg nek motor ckp soh kansel je appoinment tuh. Pastu aku pon lari kat mak bapak aku soh dorg balik rumah, xyh g. Bapak aku nak gak g. Bapak aku mmg degil. Dia mesti menang dalam sume situation. So sambung la bermandi hujan.
In a few moment later, nampak cab ngah otw awah kitorg. Tp kete kancil pulak yg berenti. Chinese mom and her son sit infront. She opened up the window and gave us an umbrella. She told my mother to open the umbrella cepat2 and she said "jangan kena basah". Something like that. Pastu dia ckp die xdok kat area Cheras so she ask my mother to keep that umbrella. Thank God. Baik gler minah tuh. May God bless you. Yg paling aku terkejut, dia tuh cina bukan malay. Kalo dia org melayu, xde la heran sgt. Yg paling menghairankan, lepas bukak payung tuh, and minah tuh dh out of our sight, the rain tetibe berenti. Wow. Hujan tuh turun sebenarnya nak tunjuk kat kitorg pasal kebaikan org cina tuh. Org len xkn ade citer pasal hujan tuh. They just say "owh its raining". But the rain doesnt give any meaning to them. Its our rain. The rain is ours. Mcm same je bunyik
Citer seterusnya citer bese2 je. G amek nombor and wait till the doctor call my parents. Aku menunggu sambil bace novel "The Lovely Bone". Sempat la bace a few chapter. Xsabar nak donlot movie citer nih. Jalan citer unik sbb start2 pasal watak utama kene bunuh. Lambatnya nak balik UKM nak donlot movie. 1 minggu lg nih. Dem. Rasenye mcm dh xde mende nak diciterkan. Tetibe blank.
---ikmal ahmad has signed out---
hmm..gud son..bagus2.keep it up
jgn le ckp camtuh..segan la..hahaha
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