Chapter 43
World Cup is coming to an end. Maksodnya game makin best. Tu la harapan setiap manusia yg menonton World Cup sama ada melalui TV 12 inci, LCD TV, HD TV atau gune teknologi telepati. Aku xade sume tuh, aku cume gune cara lame, aku g Johannesburg tgk depan mata je. Xclear, xde adegan slow motion yg menampakkan barisan gigi yg xseragam and what-so-ever. Dem gler! Separuh akhir dh start. Uruguay vs Netherlands. 2-3. Belande menang. Who cares? End of paragraph 1.
Aku gune henpon on9 dr kol 1 pg td spi skrg xabes2. Hasilnya, nih citer ke-2 yg ditaip kat henpon. Bangge nih. Sewaktu menjelang kol 6 pg, akak aku g keje, aku sempat cari lirik lagu Breaking Benjamin 'Give Me A Sign'. Pastu aku kasi henpon die nih sbb die nk g keje.
Melalak sikit dipagi2 nih nyanyi lagu kat MTV Asia, pastu tersedar akak aku tetinggal henpon. THANKS Along! On9 lg. Kat fb xde org, so aku blogwalking. Exercise yg sgt berkesan membakar kori dipagi hari. Bace blog org. Sedih, fact, lawak, islamic etc. Suddenly aku sakit perut. Fuck! Aku salu sakit perut pepagi.
Pergi la ke jamban. Owh ade shahril. Dem, aku nak tercirit. Ketuk la jamban soh die kuar cepat. Oh, taik nak tersembur kuar and finally shahril kuar. Wtf! Die isap rokok! I rather bau underarm sweat drp asap rokok. Gross! 2 2 aku xske! Jijik kot.
Time berak terpikir blog org. Even though the story is quite boring, but it was the answer that i've wondering for so long. About friendship. I've found out, I have bestfrens but i dont have true fren. Thanks anonymous for the answer walopon ko bkn kwn aku.
We keep asking questions but the answer is held by other people. We just have to find it hard and use a lil bit of moolah. Thx again along, MYR6 tok internet sehari sgt berbaloi. Rajin2 la tinggal henpon kat umah ye.
---end of chapter 43---
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