08 April 2010

Nothing To Say

[themissingikmal season 1 episode 25]

When my mood altered to the bad one, i need to change the frequency. So i can live my life like always. I need a damn good piece of music to cheer me up. But what kind of music that always make me happy? Malay song? Hip Hop song? Britpop song? Korean and Japanese song? Its all crap! Bullshit! Taste sampah! Marah mereka2 yg minat lagu2 nih. Tp aku memang xske, nk wat camner. Its not my type. I prefer rock music compared to other genre. Lagi2 lagu rock yg sentimental. Its a combo hit. Avenged Sevenfold tetap menjadi pilihan hati.

Avenged Sevenfold dh kehilangan drummer yg paling power, The Rev. He's one of the greatest drummer on earth. M. Shadows lead singer band nih sedih gegile mamat tuh mati sbb dorg dh 18 thn kenal dh mcm family sniri. Tp sume fan a7x pon sedih gak. Sume risau a7x lenyap. Mase The Rev tuh idop lg, dorg ngah record album baru, album ke-6. Tp xsempat siap, dh mati pulak. Owhman! Tp The Rev ade buat last wish sblm die mati, die nak idola die tolong a7x siapkan album. His name is Mike Portnoy from Dreamtheater. He's a lagend. Mike Portnoy siap buat deathbat tattoo tanda support a7x. So Mike Portnoy tolong a7x buat album baru nih. Tah bile kuar tah.

Sbb a7x ngah record album baru, so aku layan Alesana jap. Album terbaru die sgt best mcm telah diciterkan dlm episod sebelum ini. Xde 1 lagu Alesana yg xbest, kalo 1 lagu hilang drp album tuh, rasenye The Emptiness xkn berjaya. I keep listen to that album again and again until today. Dh masuk 4 bulan aku layan lagu2 nih. Boleh dikatakan setanding ngan a7x sbb xpenah2 bosan. Minat aku drp heavy metal berubah kpd post-hardcore. Nape la aku minat lagu2 camnih? Simple reason, dorg bawak lagu berunsurkan humanity. Meaning dorg sgt mendalam malah lg bermakna drp lagu yg bese dgr kat tv except Because of You by Kelly Clarkson.

Baru2 nih Slash, lead guitarist Guns N' Roses buat solo. Mule2 die dlm band Guns N' Roses pastu die dlm band Velvet Revolver pastu dh solo. Self-titled album, Slash dijadualkan nk release 7 Apr. Lagu ke-11 berjudul Nothing To Say featuring M. Shadows diberitahu oleh a7x sniri kat facebook. Boley dgr on9 kat Slash nyer myspace. So aku dgr la akhir2 march, Layan gak lagu nih. Xde la menjerit2 pon. Kalo ade pon, xkesah sbb M. Shadows jerit mmg power. Betol2 mase 7 Apr, aku terus download lagu nih. Dgr ulang2 kali. Thx Slash sbb soh M. Shadows nyanyi lagu ko. Atleast aku ade dgr lagu baru a7x. Akhirnya terubat hati nk dgr lagu baru. Tp bile a7x nk kuar album baru yg diselitkan pukulan drum unik oleh Mike Portnoy? Xsabar menunggu. harap2 lagu2 a7x yg baru dapat mengalahkan Seize the Day sbb so far, lagu nih xpernah jatuh kedudukannya nombor 1 dlm list lagu aku.

---ikmal ahmad has signed out---

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