09 February 2013

The Wanderer Pt. 5: The War of Stigma

From out of nowhere, the shelter is surrounded by barbarous crowd. They felt threaten by us so they started the war. They said they want to right the wrong but the war they were fighting for is far from human logic. Contrary to popular believe, the humane value is raped bit by bit.

Pride, one of the most deadliest command which can turn the highest form of human ethic to the lowest of its kind, yet become the favourite food for the soul and been supplied to the army of ignorant. To defend the pride, they construct words as weapon of massive destruction to exterminate their filthy enemy according to them.

No matter how powerful they were. No matter how fierce they are. No matter how hard they try. They always forget the idea of gifted people are trained to be a fighter before they can even remember. The modules that gifted people applied is far more ferocious so they can evades all the javelin words, counter the hard-stoned cerebration or even shield themselves from delinquent act.

So the war of stigma they called upon us is a type of war that we have already prepared from the very beginning. But how do we retaliate such attack? No we don't. Fighting fire with fire is not our style. They set us with flames, we put off the fire. They throw us acids, we purify ourselves. Until they burn themselves and waving white flag. But it takes forever for this to happened.

Just put your rain suits on, unfurl your umbrella or stay at your shelter. The rain is coming.

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