13 October 2010

First Attempt

Chapter 107

Aku teringin nk tulis lagu tp aku xreti main muzik, so aku boley tulis je. Xdpt nk produce lagu except ade yg nk main lagu aku. Aku nk tulis novel sbb sgt mencabar kot tp baru 1st page aku tulis, aku mcm xmampu nk continue. Mungkin aku kene buat cerpen dulu kot baru boley buat novel. Tp cerpen pon mcm xmampu je nk buat sbb karangan 350 patah perkataan pon mcm terseksa nk taip. Skrg nih aku nk buat sajak lak. Aku dh deal ngan Aqilah nk buat sajak, so nih la aku nyer first attempt nk tulis sajak, tema bebas.

You walk the room with an empty eyes.
The silence lock sights as you passing by.
They just stop talking feeling butterflies.
Some start dreaming been hypnotized.

As you take back seat the front getting mad.
The girl in the middle start talking bad.
They just been jealous you wear a hat.
Most of the girl want to give you a smack.

Ape tah yg aku tulis nih, xmcm sajak pon. Mcm hip hop nyer lirik ade ar. Siyes aku xtau camner nk tulis sajak. Esok aku try buat sajak yg btol2, mungkin bahasa melayu nyer sajak. Tgk ar dlu camner. First attempt, failed.

---end of chapter---


nur said...

no...its not bad!!!u use bombastic words..malu lak ak nak post kt blog ak..hu...

themissingikmal said...

hahaha...aku rase mcm tah pape tah yg aku tulis...wakakaka...
nnt aku nk tulis lg...