29 September 2010

Lets Put The Blame On Ikmal

Chapter 97

Every action has a reaction. This is what i called Mendel's 3rd Law Of Emotion. Everything happen for a purpose. Everything u do, u face the consequences. Mcm perkara semalam, aku kensel reunion kelas. I just told them i had this personal issue. I got feedbacks from them, the f word, asking me why, and bla la ko. Nevermind.

Salah aku. Tuh yg dorg akan fikir sbb aku kensel mende tuh. Tp dorg xtau ape yg aku kene lalui. So skali lg, aku mmg xkesah dorg nk salahkan aku sbb aku paham dorg mmg xtau pape and ape yg aku tau, aku xbersalah. Thats all. I wish i could change my decision but it seems never happen.

---end of chapter---


Anonymous said...

aish.. touching lah pulak mamat ni kan.. org gurau2 pon nk touching.. mende la awk ni ikmal.. the f word is something yg sngt common kot among us.. so, dont take it so seriously la..

themissingikmal said...

mende aku xkesah kot...aku pon salu gune je...xde ar, aku xrase pape pon korg ckp camtuh...cume aku kesian kat korg sbb aku xg, korg sume mood lari...