23 September 2010

Lack Of Entertainment

Chapter 94

Aku ske tgk citer Heroes. Mase season 1 dulu, aku siap buat dlm essay english, citer pasal Heroes nih ar. Tp aku xigt markah aku. Citer nih pon abg aku yg promote kat aku. Citer pasal org bese, gene nye berubah. Kire die mutate ar. Sangat nuklear di situ. Dorg sume ade power. Ade yg boley terbang, ade yg boley baca mind org, ade yg boley heal, ade yg boley teleport. Byk sgt kor karekter. Sume karekter sangat penting.

Poster menarik kan? Tangan bercahaya. THATS ALL. Terserlah karekter2 spt yg diterangkan kat paragraph 1. Dont judge a tv series by its poster. Sumpah citer die best. Citer nih ditayangkan 25 September 06. Tiap2 tahun die kuarkan season baru, tarikh die mesti antara 21-25 September. And tahun nih, season 5. Yay.

Yay tuh skjp je. Aku buat research berhari2 kot. Dh mcm assignment pulak. Bukak page mcm2 semata2 nk tau bile Heroes season 5 on air. Tp xjumpe2. Aku jumpe artikel gtau 60% citer tuh bakal ditayangkan. 40% citer tuh akan kensel. Kalo kensel, akan ade 1 episod tok closure Heroes nih. Beberapa hari yg lepas, semalam kot, ade artikel gtau mungkin dorg nk buat movie as the closure. Mesti best kalo kuar movie. Tp harinih lak aku terjumpe artikel yg sungguh syahdu.

"NBC announced the show's cancellation on May 14, 2010, due to the high costs of production, diminished viewing and an increase in other programming. However, the network is looking into ways to conclude the storylines, which was confirmed by Kring in a message to its fans. On September 9, 2010, NBC announced the decision not to make a movie that would wrap up the series."

Maknenye xde ar citer Heroes Season 5. Xde tema "Brave New World" yg diura2kan dlm last episod season 4. Kimak tol. Lepas aku tgk Claire Bennet terjun ferris wheel, aku teruja nk tgk sambungan Heroes. Tp xkesampaian. Lame gler kot aku tunggu dr bulan February kot. Fuck ar NBC. 7 bulan aku tunggu sia2 je. Kimak.

Pastu aku dgr citer Flashforward pon xkn ditayangkan. Ending season 1 die tunjuk future #2. Tp NBC kensel gak. Yg Flashforward aku xkesah sgt kalo dorg xproduce citer nih tp aku kecewa gler kot Heroes xditayangkan. 4 season ok aku tgk citer nih. Moge2 NBC akan ditutup sbb org sume boikot channel tuh.

Abes tuh aku nk tgk citer ape? Buletin Utama je la. Xpon Awani. Entertainment terhebat. Jgn ckp tv3 ngan Awani xnk kuarkan berita. Kang aku dh xtau nk tgk ape lg kat tv. Bosan kot dunia nih. Bek aku mati.

---end of chapter---

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