10 February 2012

God, Why Are You Doing This?

Everything is normal as usual. Same old fucking story. Its nothing to tell until now.

Forrest Gump kali kedua ditonton sebab dah xada movie baru nak tengok. Some movies I’ve watched almost 3 to 4 times but mostly I’ve watched twice. So ni peluang Forrest Gump untuk bersinar lagi. Again this film touched my heart when mak dia nazak lepas tu cakap kat anak dia death is a part of life. Seriously I almost cry tengok scene tu but thank god suddenly battery laptop habis. Tak sempat nak mengeluarkan air mata, feel tengok cerita tu hilang tiba-tiba. Its like riding a roller coaster and suddenly it stop at the loop and you are stuck hanging upside down. Sucks kan? But tak apa sebab I don’t want to get my emotion drown with the scene. Charge balik lepas tu sambung cerita dan habis. Such a good movie.

Habis tengok movie, rasa nak mandi. Bila buka lampu study kat bilik, I saw something yang aku xsepatutnya nampak. Terus membuatkan aku kembali ke zaman budak-budak. It’s been 7 years when it came to me last time. I can’t even figure what is that all about. But this time, it sends me a crystal clear message dan aku terkesima to the maksimum. My whole body suddenly lemah and kaki aku menggeletar heavily. Senyap dan perhati. Now I do get that message. Tapi kenapa Tuhan terus menguji aku?

A wrong step will change everything. It’s like in chess game. I’ve made wrong decision twice before and it cost me both my Bishops. It hurts you know to lose my precious Bishops and I don’t want to lose any of my Knights or Castles. If I lose them, me myself the King will gone forever. Kalaulah kehidupan ni macam main chess berkali-kali, I don’t have to worry about anything.

Too much information here. Harap-harap post ni tak mengudang masalah.

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