31 January 2012

Shit Happens

Indeed. I don’t really hope you bought every single word what I said but shits do happen. Shit happens whether you like it or not. And totally will blow off anything that had been planned.

You might think that im giving you excuses but you don’t know what I have been through lately. Beside the hardship to entertain my soul; maximise the neighbour’s wifi capacity, I have to fight to keep myself alive and do whatever it takes to hide everything about me from everyone. With a little bit of drama in the family makes it a little bit harder for me but interesting in some ways.

Excuses are giving out from time to time and that’s how I operate my life. The orchestra is mine and let me handle it in my way. You audience will not like my plotting and it’s up to you to leave my hall or stay with me to the very end of my show. 

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