01 April 2011

Leaving The End Open

Chapter 153

1st of all, happy birthday Amir Mataab. Da 2x aku wish birthday ko kat blog aku. Xkesah. Dah 21 tahun ko hidup, mak ko still xbuang ko kat mana2 bastop atau mesjid. Nak cakap ko anak yg baik je. Terpaksa berbohong kot sbb this is ur special day. I dont want to write about u, g daftar mengundi!

Friday, 1st April. Last day mengadap lecturer dan kuliah tok 2nd year. What does it means? Study week. Dinner. Final exam. Short sem. Cuti. The end. Abes la pengajian aku thn ke-2. Lepas ni aku da jadi super senior pastu grad. Jap, bile tah aku nak grad?

The end. Tamat 2nd year, masuk final year. Tetibe aku terpikir lagu "Hardline - Leaving The End Open". Lirik die cemni. "the end is only a chance to turn it all over. turn it all over so we can finally begin a different story". Tuh je motif aku tulis mende nih.

The end!

---end of chapter---

1 comment:

p.a.n.d.a sajowk said...

tq,bukan sng kan ko nk wat cta pasal aku,tanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx