I like to start this post by telling you that this is the fourth or fifth attempt of getting handsome using Jillian's guidance. The successful one, i lost 15.87 pounds or simply 7.2 kg in 2 months. Nak aku kira median dengan standard deviation ke? Fuck you statistics! The rest of attempts cannot be count due to lacking of determination. So is this the forth attempt or the fifth one? Its 2014 attempt.
The Idea:
1. Of course no diet pills or supplement. Its against my belief.
2. Raining of lemon tea. I mean black tea with NO sugar and slices of lemon. Thanks to Sayza for the tips. Havent study the science behind it yet, the osmosis or whatever, but hope it helps. Miss you darling.
3. Oat for breakfast as usual.
4. Watch your mouth! Yes, my mouth. The mouth of mine somehow has its own mind. Stop thinking of chewing, would you? Tapi sekarang tengah kunyah Twisties Honey BBQ Wings. Damn sedap pulak.
5. The absolution. Wajib cederakan diri untuk dapatkan perfect figure. So the workout consists of two different mazhab. aerobic and cardio. Since i have 2 pair of running shoes, it is just a waste if i dont appreciate the creation.
Maxime. Rain or shine, he always be with me.
Maxwell. Maxime's little brother. Dah take the vow to stay loyal ke belum?
Bella the destroyer. Sekeping rubber tu berat 1.25kg. Plus pemegang tu is almost 10kg, each.
The Target:
Lets study the graph.
I love this apps!
1. The red line: the real time weight. As for 22.12.2013, it reads 0.098 tan. Obese class 1. Hows that?!
2. The blue line: the dream weight. February 2013, dia tunjuk extrapolation dan sepatutnya aku dah 75 kg pada Jun 2013. Tapi sekarang, kalau ini pace nya, dia extrapolate tetap 0.098 tan. Damn!
3. 0.075 tan dah cukup. Kurang lebih baik. 1 kg per week itu cukup realistik katanya. -23kg. By the end of May, i must have that number.
Just selang-selang saja routinenya between aerobic dengan cardio. Untuk elak cepat bosan. Thats all.
Semalam hari pertama. Bila dah berbulan-bulan tak pegang dumbell, rasalah nerakanya angkat benda tu. I call myself a wuss. A sissy. Kau pun boleh panggil aku benda yang sama. BUT, kau mesti boleh buat rutin ni dengan cemerlang dalam percubaan pertama. Approximately 3.5 kg each, 20 minutes only. I bet, kau tak boleh pass suku rutin pun. Akhirnya kau jatuhkan martabat diri sendiri sebab kau sissier. Lol. Ayuh jadi lagi gagah.
Harini hari kedua. Sepatutnya spend quality time dengan Maxwell tapi diarrhea pulak sebab makan ikan patin masak cili api. Penat masuk jamban, kau! Mampu? On the bright side, berak juga membakar kalori. Aerobic lagi. Jom?
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